Many thanks
to the good folk at

for permission to use graphics from their software and toposheets

25 May 2007

Quarry Track (Anawhata)

page 3

As we descend, the track gets increasingly muddy and slippery.

My attention is grabbed by the bark texture and colouring on this trunk.

We're levelling out a bit, but care still necessary.

I think this is one of the brakes, but much to learn here. these are a slightly "harder" group, including bracken, whose common name is related.

A large log is covered in mushrooms.

By now we're levelling out considerably and a layer of litter on the path replaces the shiny bogs we have just come past.

And another rimu. I'm not going to apologise. I just like them.

I'm starting to relax a little.

Suddenly there's another shortish steep section. This pic looks back up behind us

as we reach the junction with the Forbes Track

From here it's only about 100 metres max to the large grassy clearing which is McKenzie Junction

I slip the pack off and pull the thermos and food out, and pour some water into a plastic dish for Alice, who is actually more interested in a bit of my egg sandwich.

I have to say I do appreciate the somewhat more relaxed policy adopted by ARC in respect of dogs under control compared with that of DoC who are going to cost me upwards of $250 later this year in boarding kennel fees when we head south without Alice to do Waikaremoana and neighbouring walks.

Onwards, and today it's a relative doddle. We're heading back out on the Pole Line track to Anawhata Rd and from there back down McElwain Loop a way to complete the circle.





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Fitness Building for the Elderly and Stout

Food for Tramping

General Advice:
Specifically oriented to the Heaphy Track but relevant to other long walks for beginners and older walkers

New Zealand Plants
(an ongoing project)

Links to Tramping Resource Websites
